-- Parker Palmer, The Courage to Teach
Courses Taught
Undergraduate level: Sexual Violence Global to Local: Theory, Research, Policy and Advocacy, Gender, Sexuality and Politics in The Middle East, Gender and Religion, Feminist Theory, Feminist Frameworks; Men and Masculinities; Feminist Theory, Feminist Studies: Integration and Application, Study Abroad in Gender and Women’s Studies; Issues in Transnational Feminism; Global Gender Issues; Global Perspectives on Women’s Issues; Women, Culture & Society; Capstone Seminar in Women’s Studies; Introduction to Gender & Women’s Studies; Gender, War & Peace in Global Perspective; Transforming Relationships; Trauma & Healing; Gender & War in Film; Gender, Race & Militarization; Gender, Conflict & Change in Political Context; Identity, Power & Privilege; The Market, The forum and the Village; Constructing Citizens: Identity, Community & Politics; Community Development Fundamentals; Social Movements & Social Change; The Art and Nature of Nonviolent Resistance; Alternatives to Violence; Peace Studies & Conflict Transformation; Alternative Calendars; Introduction to Peace and Conflict Resolution, Approaches to Peacemaking, Confronting Our Differences, Discovering Our Similarities: Conflict Resolution, Cooperative Global Politics; Peace and Conflict Resolution Semester; Research Seminar in Peace and Conflict Resolution; Career Mapping.
Graduate level: Gender, Race & Militarization; Gender & Conflict: Feminist Perspectives on War, Peace and International Politics; Multiple Voices in Democratic Education: Language, Literacy & Social Transformation; Conflict Analysis & Resolution: Theory and Practice; Theory of Violence, Conflict & War; Peace Paradigms
Sample Syllabus: Feminist Praxis